# Input

KInput provides a wrapper around general text input's and provides specific Kong styling and state treatments (error, focus, etc).

<KInput class="w-100"/>

# Props

# label

String to be used as the input label.

<KInput label="Name" placeholder="I'm labelled!" class="mb-2" />
<KInput label="Disabled" disabled placeholder="I'm disabled!" />

If the label is omitted it can be handled with another component, like KLabel. This is meant to be used before KInput and will be styled appropriately.

  <KLabel for="my-input">Label</KLabel>
  <KInput id="my-input" type="text" placeholder="I have a label" />

# labelAttributes

Use the labelAttributes prop to configure the KLabel's props if using the label prop.

<KInput label="Name" :label-attributes="{ help: 'I use the KLabel `help` prop' }" />

# overlayLabel

Enable this prop to overlay the label on the input element's border. Defaults to false. Make sure that if you are using the built in label you specify the --KInputBackground theming variable. This variable is used for the background of the label as well as the input element.

<KInput label="Name" placeholder="I'm labelled!" :overlay-label="true" />
<KInput label="Disabled" disabled placeholder="I'm disabled!" :overlay-label="true" />

# size

You can specify small, medium (default), or large for the size.

<KInput label="Small" size="small" class="mb-2" />
<KInput label="Medium" class="mb-2" />
<KInput label="Large" size="large" />

# characterLimit

Use this prop to specify a character limit for the input. See the @char-limit-exceeded event for more details.

34 / 10

<KInput value="This field has too many characters" :character-limit="10" class="w-100" placeholder="Placeholder text" />

The character counter will only display below the input if the characterLimit is exceeded.

If the characterLimit is exceeded, the character counter below the KInput will override the display of a provided errorMessage until the character count is within the acceptable range.


You may also specify a native maxlength attribute on the KInput to actually limit the number of characters the user is allowed to type in the field. This will prevent the user from exceeding the character limit so the error state will not be shown.

<KInput :character-limit="10" maxlength="10" placeholder="Type..."/>

# help

String to be displayed as help text.

I can help with that

<KInput help="I can help with that" placeholder="Need help?" />

You also have the option of using the .help utility class. This is meant to be used after KInput and will be styled appropriately.

I can help with that

  <KInput type="text" placeholder="Need help?" />
  <p class="help">I can help with that</p>

# hasError

Boolean value to indicate whether the element has an error and should apply error styling. By default this is false.

# errorMessage

String to be displayed as error message if hasError prop is true.

Service name should not contain “_”

<KInput class="w-100"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"

Service name should not contain “_”

Service name should not contain “_”

Service name should not contain “_”

  label="Small" size="small" class="mb-2"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"

Service name should not contain “_”

Service name should not contain “_”

Service name should not contain “_”

  label="Small" size="small" class="mb-2"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"
  errorMessage="Service name should not contain “_”"

# Attribute Binding

You can pass any input attribute and it will get properly bound to the element.

Note: Add the input-error class to add custom error styling

<KInput placeholder="placeholder" />
<KInput type="password" value="123" />
<KInput type="number" value="1"/>
<KInput type="email" value="john.doe@konghq.com"/>
<KInput disabled value="disabled"/>
<KInput read-only value="read-only"/>
<KInput type="search" value="search"/>
<KInput type="email" value="error" class="input-error"/>

# v-model

KInput works as regular inputs do using v-model for data binding:

  {{ myInput }}
  <KInput v-model="myInput" @blur="e => (myInput = 'blurred')" />
  <KButton @click="clearIt">Clear</KButton>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        myInput: 'test'
    methods: {
      clearIt () {
        this.myInput = ''

# Events

KInput transparently binds to events:

<Komponent :data="{myInput2: 'hello'}" v-slot="{ data }">
      @blur="e => (data.myInput2 = 'blurred')"
      @focus="e => (data.myInput2 = 'focused')"

# @char-limit-exceeded

Fired when the text starts or stops exceeding the limit, returns an object:

    value,          // current value
    length,         // length of current value
    characterLimit, // character limit
    limitExceeded   // whether or not the limit has been exceeded

# Theming

Variable Purpose
--KInputColor Input text color
--KInputBorder Input border / label color
--KInputBackground Input and label background color
--KInputHover Input border / label hover color
--KInputFocus Input border / label focus color
--KInputDisabledBackground Input disabled background color
--KInputError Input error border color
--KInputPlaceholderColor Placeholder text color

An Example of changing the error border color of KInput to pink might look like:

  <KInput class="custom-input input-error" type="email" value="error" />

.custom-input {
  --KInputError: hotpink;