# Modal

The KModal component is used to show content on top of existing UI. Typically used when confirming changes or while during a delete action.

      @click="isVisible = true"
      Open Modal

      title="Look Mah!"
      content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris accumsan tincidunt velit ac vulputate. Aliquam turpis odio, elementum a hendrerit id, pellentesque quis ligula. Nulla ultricies sit amet nisi vitae congue. Quisque vitae ullamcorper leo, id pretium mi. Nam sed odio dapibus, dapibus augue at, pulvinar est."
      @proceed="isVisible = false"
      @canceled="isVisible = false"

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      isVisible: false

# Props

# isVisible

Tells the component whether or not to render the open modal.

# title

Text displayed in header if not using slot (Note: this field is still required for accessibility reasons even if using the slot).

# hideTitle

If not using the header-content slot, tells the component whether or not to display the title.

# content

Text to display in content if not using slot.

  title="I hid my title"
  content="I am customized!"
  @proceed="isVisible = false"
  @canceled="isVisible = false"

# textAlign

The alignment for the title and content. Supports left, center (default), or right.

# actionButtonText

Change the text content of the submit/proceed button.

# actionButtonAppearance

Change the appearance of the submit/proceed button.

# cancelButtonText

Change the text content of the close/cancel button.

# cancelButtonAppearance

Change the appearance of the cancel button.

  title="Look Mah!"
  content="I am customized!"
  @proceed="isVisible = false"
  @canceled="isVisible = false"

# hideCancelButton

Use this to hide the built-in cancel button (false by default).

# hideDismissIcon

When using the header-image slot we display a dismiss 'X' button in the upper right corner of the dialog. Set this prop to true to hide the button (false by default).


If you want to have a dismiss icon on your dialog without using the header-image slot, you should use the KPrompt component.

# dismissButtonTheme

Can be dark (default) or light. You might want to use this if displaying dark content in the header-image slot.

  @canceled="isVisible = false"
  <template v-slot:header-image>
    <div class="slot-image-content1">
      <img src="/img/dark-demo.svg" alt="Welcome" />
  <template v-slot:header-content>
    <KIcon icon="kong" class="mr-2" />
  <template v-slot:body-content>Get set up with the quickstart to see live data pushed through a gateway service within minutes.</template>
  <template v-slot:action-buttons>
    <KButton appearance="btn-link" class="mr-2" @click="isVisible = false">Skip</KButton>
      @click="() => isVisible = false">Onboard me!</KButton>

# Slots

There are 5 designated slots you can use to display content in the modal.

  • header-image - content displayed above the header, ignores padding. Enables the dismiss icon.
  • header-content
  • body-content
  • footer-content - Contains cancel & action buttons by default.
  • action-buttons - Contains action buttons which are right-aligned. This slot will not exist if using footer-content slot.
    title="Look at my slots!"
    content="You know you like these slots."
    @canceled="slottedIsOpen3 = false"
    <template v-slot:header-image>
      <div class="slot-image-content">
        <h4 class="mx-7 my-5">I'm slotted baby!</h4>
    <template v-slot:action-buttons>
      <KButton appearance="btn-link" class="mr-2" @click="slottedIsOpen3 = false">Pass</KButton>
      <KButton appearance="primary" @click="slottedIsOpen3 = false">I sure do!</KButton>

.slot-image-content {
  height: 260px;
  width: 650px;
  background-color: var(--purple-300);

# Events

Event Description
cancelled Emitted when cancel/close button or dismiss icon is clicked
proceed Emitted when the submit button is pressed

# Usage

Using both the provided props and slot options we will now demonstrate putting it all together. Notice that even though we are using the header-content slot we still specify the title attribute for accessibility.

  @canceled="slottedIsOpen = false"
  title="Delete Item"
  <template v-slot:header-content>
    <KIcon icon="dangerCircle" color="red" class="mr-2" />
    Delete Item
  <template v-slot:body-content>Are you sure you want to delete this item? This action can not be undone.</template>
  <template v-slot:action-buttons>
    <KButton appearance="outline" class="mr-2" @click="slottedIsOpen = false">Back</KButton>
    <KButton appearance="danger" @click="slottedIsOpen = false">Delete</KButton>

# Theming

Variable Purpose
--KModalBackdrop Backgdrop color
--KModalMaxWidth Modal max width
--KModalBorder Modal border
--KModalHeaderColor Header text color
--KModalHeaderSize Header font size
--KModalHeaderWeight Header font weight
--KModalColor Main content text color
--KModalFontSize Main content text size

An Example of changing the the colors of KModal might look like.

Note: We are scoping the overrides to a wrapper in this example

  <div class="modal-wrapper">
      title="Look Mah!"
      content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris accumsan tincidunt velit ac vulputate. Aliquam turpis odio, elementum a hendrerit id, pellentesque quis ligula."
      @proceed="isVisible = false"
      @canceled="isVisible = false"

.modal-wrapper {
  --KModalHeaderColor: red;
  --KModalColor: blue;
  --KModalBackdrop: rgba(94, 174, 255, .25);